Fear the Bird 2022

The development of the 2022 design for the Fear the Bird Shirt was part of my internship with Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality. This is an annual campaign where the designs are voted on by the students and then used on various ephemera. Before coming with my own designs I worked with previous iterations as we celebrated the 15th Anniversary of the Fear the Bird, the final result was an homage to previous designs as well as a look forward to the future branding of EMDH and Fear the Bird.

As part of this year long process I had to go through many iterations that stemmed from my original concept and tho these concepts will never be materialized they were still essential to the creative a process.

To wrap up my work with the campaign I created a continuous video giving featuring each shirt I hope any intern that follows after is up to the challenge of adding to this video

Atlanta, Illinois

As part of my time with Illinois State’s Design Streak Studio, I designed numerous ephemera items with a team of fellow student-designers for the rebrand of our semester client, the city of Atlanta, Illinois. We split into teams and I collaborated with Megan McGowan and Amanda Haubenreiser to create a modern logo based on the city's aesthetic. We incorporated modern design elements with a more retro color scheme to express the 60’s idealistic Americana aesthetic that the city prides itself on. I produced a mural for this long term project entitled “Midway on Illinois’ Mother Road” featuring a retro car traveling between Chicago and St.Louis through Atlanta on Route 66. Our studio Director was impressed by the graphics I made so much so that elements of this particular piece were incorporated into the rest of the semester’s signage for consistency.

Rolling Gardens

Through Design Streak, I was teamed with Megan McGowan and Bree Evans to construct a brand identity for “Rolling Gardens”. Rolling Gardens was a new learning tool at Illinois State University that brought a mobile garden to students so that they can observe and document plant growth over time, as well as learn about plant care. As the name suggests, it is essentially meant to be a functional garden on wheels. As part of our branding, then, we had the opportunity to design the cart that carried the plants, as well as all of the peripheral signage. The bottom of the cart contained all the tools, but the client did not want anyone to be distracted by them, thus I created a pattern based off of topographic nature and the organic features of the garden.

River Grove, IL

Producing new ephemera with a revitalized logo for the Village of River Grove


Professional Work


Passion Projects