International Women’s Day Calendar

This project was to take an international holiday and formulate a calendar around it. I choose International Women’s Day to celebrate all of the powerful women in the world. Within the words are collaged photos of influential women, historical women rights fighters and activists today, women who have made strides in their dominantly male careers, and all the women essential workers who have helped our society thrive during the pandemic.

This piece was also awarded ISU Graphic Design Best in Show in the 2022 Student Annual Exhibition


The piece meant to convey an emotion through strategic layered imagery. To feel “unmoored“ is to feel unsettled, detached, and insecure, and the composition of text/artistic elements reflects such. In this project I collaged various photographs to create a new image. Since my collage played with perspective I decided the emotion I was going to interweave into it would be unmoored. From there I used vinyl and the distortion of those letter forms to further push that insecure, confused, detached, and unmoored feeling.

This piece was also featured in Illinois State University’s 2022 Student Annual Exhibition at University galleries


Layout Design